For over 30 years I have been an active designer in the visual communications industry, developing my knowledge and skill through numerous long term positions as in-house designer, relaxedly tackling tasks with the tightest of deadlines. I know the high volume, fast pace of today’s world. I sketch throughout concept meetings resulting in useable ideas to move a project from conception to completion.
Clean simple lines and solid alignment create the foundation. Upon which we build strong concepts to allow visual connection to brand in unique and unexpected ways.
From the time I was able to hold a #2 pencil, which is still my favorite tool, I have been drawing to express ideas that, at times, seemed unable to be put into words.
My life doesn’t circle around a computer monitor. I look for ways to feed my creativity through numerous passions and creative outlets. My tools vary from garlic press to reciprocating saw. I paint with flavor, acrylic, and whatever I can find, often reusing found materials to challenge myself and bring my ideas to life.
Quick overview
Goodwill® and Marvel Studios partnership.
Development of collateral, including billboards, posters, store signage.
Goodwill® and Google partnership.
Social Media Ads developed from consumer tested components.
Goodwill® Kenneth King Fellowship
Case Study Project.
Book design.
Goodwill® and Joining Forces partnership.
Veterans services poster campaign.
Goodwill® Sustainability partnership with P.L.A.N (Post Landfill Action Network).
Sticker campaign.